Bringing the Merry Back in Christmas

Ahhhhh. Yes, you read right. Ahhhhhh. I am off for Winter break for the next two weeks. I plan to relax a lot and hopefully make a trip to the Christmas Market in downtown’s distillery district. I went last year and had a nice time sipping on hot cocoa and spiced-mulled wine. I love my job, but it can get very busy working with children so this break is very welcome. God bless their little souls, the children were soooo excited that Christmas is only 7 sleeps away they were literally bursting at the seams. I can’t fault them. I remember being that age and feeling exactly the same way. Giddy with excitement and feeling like Santa could not get here soon enough. Christmas Eve was the longest day ever. Too exhausted to stay up, yet too delirious to fall into slumber. Those were the days. I remember them well.

Today I had my very first “Merry Christmas” from a store clerk at the check-out counter and I was taken aback. I said Merry Christmas a few times this season, and it felt in a word odd, as the words escaped my lips. For the past few years it has been nothing but “Happy Holidays!”  A few years ago, my sister Francine and I got to talking about the sudden increase of Happy Holidays in place of Merry Christmas.  It almost seemed as though people were hesitant to say Merry Christmas in fear of offending someone who may not celebrate. Concerts in schools across the city changed from Christmas concerts, to Holiday concerts to Winterfests.  One school scraped all three completely and went with a dinosaur concert to avoid being politically incorrect. I mean, personally I am totally fine with all these titles minus the dinosaur concert. What on earth do large prehistoric lizards have to do with the holidays?

Inclusiveness is a beautiful thing and that is what I love about the city of Toronto. If craving some pancake latkes and taking in the lights of Hanukkah, I need look no further than go to the Bathurst and Lawrence uptown area of the city. To see the lovely lights of the Hindu festival of Diwali in early November Gerard street east is the place to be. If you like Indian food, you can get your fill of Tandoori, curries and daal, all while taking in the lights. There is no shortage of places that sell Halal meats, or Christmas fruitcake or Figgie pudding if you are so inclined. Want to learn about the seven principles of Kwanzaa?  The Hariett Tubman centre offers lessons in the meaning behind each candle, as well crafts and spoken word from local poets. In the beauty of inclusiveness, I don’t think there is a reason to exclude Christmas and all that makes it a wonderful time of year, in the Biblical sense and for those who only celebrate the commercial side in fear of offending others. I have a few Hindu friends, and a good Muslim friend I used to work with. None of these ladies are offended by trees, ornaments or carols that mention Santa or angels. In fact, one of my Hindu friends even puts a tree up in her house. Although she does not celebrate Christmas, my Muslim friend usually gives me a little present and a card and she never missed the company Christmas party. This city celebrates diversity and the cultural mosaic that makes it the great place it is. Yes, respect boundaries and requests, but I don’t feel it is necessary to assume others are so troubled by the word Christmas.

In a time of much conflict and terror in our world, remembering peace and goodwill whatever holiday you celebrate is the message where all religions find a common ground. The Dalai Lama, the late Mahatma Ghandi  and The Qur’an spread the message of love and peace toward your fellow man, as did my God, Jesus Christ in The Holy Bible. However you say it, Season’s Greetings, Happy Holidays or Merry Christmas, I wish you all the very best. Let us celebrate our differences and more importantly let’s celebrate our similarities.

Trex-to-Tigress will make a roaring come back in 2016 talking more health, fitness and wellness. (Yes, I plan on lifting during my break God willing.)

See you next year my friends.  Thanks for reading. xoxo




17 thoughts on “Bringing the Merry Back in Christmas

  1. In Spain it’s Feliz Navidad. No happy holidays here. In the UK it’s Happy Christmas (traditionally it’s Happy Christmas, not Merry Christmas. You have that song to thank for that. I always say Happy Christmas as I cringe how Brits say Merry which a lot more do than before. That’s just me). The few UK adverts I watch on Sky News before the main video say ‘this Christmas enjoy….’ with a few Happy Holidays. Christmas still rules in the UK. Instead of Happy Holidays a lot cards even since I can remember say Season Greetings which gets out of PC/religion. France I don’t think they’ll ever adopt Happy Holidays, always Joyeux Noel et Bonne Annee. Anyways wishing you a Happy Christmas! xoxo

    1. London is very diverse but I’m sure Happy Christmas will never go out of style, even with a few more merries. It would be like changing Feliz Navidad to please everyone, but I can’t see that happening.
      Thanks Nat! And Happy Christmas to you!😘

  2. A few years ago, I was complying and saying Happy Holidays along with the rest of the P.C. folks. But then, I realized that as a Christian, I have to take a stand. It’s okay if people don’t want to say it back but I say Merry Christmas. The “holiday” is about celebrating Jesus’ birth. If you don’t want to celebrate that’s fine but I shouldn’t have to suppress my joy at Jesus because you don’t want to participate.
    Merry Christmas to you, Tigress!

    1. Could not have expressed this better. Exactly why we celebrate. I was so quick to say happy Diwali or Happy Hanukkah, but why was I shying away from my reason for living? Jesus’ birth!
      Merry Christmas to you as well, Karen.

  3. I love that regardless of what holiday is being celebrated, the Holiday season is all about love, service, forgiveness, charity and all the good stuff life has to offer! I love this time of year!

  4. Wonderful posting and message my sister! I pray you had a beautiful Christmas, and I want to wish you a very Happy New Year, full of amazing and beautiful blessings! I have not forgotten you! God bless!

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