Last of the Summer Wine

imageBefore vibrant gardens are replaced with golden, red and brown leaves, my sister-in-law Wendy hosted one last summer hurrah for my brother’s birthday. August is over, but sweet memories like these make you appreciate the little things in life that are so important.

Long summer tables, with lively conversation and wine in the backyard. Food and family. Cheers!

image imageSalmon on the cedar plank seasoned to perfection. Smokey aroma from the BBQ

imagePlatefuls and platefuls

image imageHammocks under a tree

image image

imageTrampoline fun with a little boy who makes you feel five again

imageimageDrinks and jokes, with the distant chirping of crickets in the balmy evening air

image image

image image IMG_3211


image imageChilled out dad

imageCutting the cake and turning 30…yet again. Celebrate!


imageMore sweetness

imageTeenage selfies whose faces you wish you saw more of

image imageBabies that grow too fast, but still love hugs from Nana

imageUnder the light of the full moon


Ending summer with wonderful memories and enjoying every moment!

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